Translation System

All translations in Quasar Store assets are stored in a folder called local. Some translation files can be stored in other configurable files, take this parameter into account to be able to translate your asset.

How do I create my own translation file?

This step is very simple, you can choose to copy and rename the file en.lua and translate it completely with your language name for example it.lua. Once translated, in the first line we will place our custom name, which we will choose in config.lua.

Locales['de'] = { -- Set your lang name
    ['INTRODUCE_PASSWORD'] = 'Passwort eingeben',
    ['INTRODUCE_PASSWORD_2'] = 'Passwort',
    ['CREATE_PASSWORD'] = 'Erstelle ein Passwort',
    ['OPEN'] = 'Öffnen...',
    ['CLOSE'] = 'Schließen...',

Do you want more information and free translations?

All Quasar Store assets contain pre-built configurable files for both Spanish and English, but don't get frustrated, you can translate it yourself into your language or join our Discord community where you will find many files translated into different languages in your channel. customer.

You can join our community and enjoy snippets, translations, epic talks and more by entering from the following button!

Last updated