Change Notifications

This step is very simple, but if you need help, contact your trusted developer.

All Quasar Assets have the same notification system in the same place, which we can freely configure using three options, information, success and error.

Where do I find the notifications?

This is simple, all configurable notifications can be found in any of our assets in client/custom/framework/*.lua, in the SendTextMessage function.

Editing example for another notification system

For example, we can edit to add a new notify system by deleting the current notifications and adding our own manually.

function SendTextMessage(msg, type)
    if type == 'inform' then
        exports['qs-notify']:Alert(msg, 1500, 'info')
    if type == 'error' then
        exports['qs-notify']:Alert(msg, 1500, 'error')
    if type == 'success' then
        exports['qs-notify']:Alert(msg, 1500, 'success')

Last updated