
Remember that the DLC & Addons are obtained in the post of the same asset, there are the direct links, you must also be the buyer, otherwise you will not be able to obtain them.

Welcome to the documentation on DLC & Addons, in this section we will make a general explanation about Sellix, its installation or basic guide.


Quasar Racing is an exclusive DLC for Quasar Smartphone, this DLC will add a new application to your phone, which is inspired by QB/NP racing, it allows you to create races through a whitelist or even play races with your friends.

Asset positioning

The DLC & Addons for Quasar Smartphone always start below the Smartphone folder, for this we will use the following example.

-- First we will start the cores, never below
ensure es_extended or qb-core

-- The smartphone should be executed above
ensure [smartphone]

-- DLC & Addons always below smartphone
ensure [addons]


This DLC depends on a database which we will run using this sql.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `race_tracks`;
CREATE TABLE `race_tracks` (
  `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `checkpoints` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `records` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `creator` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `distance` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `raceid` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Enable the application

To enable the application, we must go to apps.lua in Quasar Smartphone and uncheck the crypto application that will be commented in said file. Once this step is completed, we will use the /deleteallapps command and the application will begin to appear in our App Store.

Last updated