Camera Decay

The camera could use a continuous expense, which will allow the item to be broken after certain uses. This system works with metadata durability, we do not know if all metadata inventory has this function, try this at your own risk or use the recommended ones.

Is this compatible with all systems?

I really don't know, it depends entirely on your inventory. At least we can confirm that qb-inventory and qs-inventory are fully functional.

Is this compatible with all systems?

I really don't know, it depends entirely on your inventory. At least we can confirm that qb-inventory and qs-inventory are fully functional.

Decay basic configuration

If you have our inventory, you can enable the decay option, this way you can use your camera in a more realistic way, and have your camera for a limited number of shots.

Config.DecayToUse = true -- Only for qs-inventory or qb-inventory, read above!
Config.DecayToUseRate = 1 -- Decay level due to use, the item has 100 durability, therefore 1 = 100 shots

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