Private Garages

Before reading this documentation you should first go read the documentation on Create Garages to understand how to create your private garage before managing it.

With our advanced garage system you will be able to use private garages and manage them as you wish. To do so, we require you to have first read the documentation on Create Garages in this same document.

How do I get a private garage?

As mentioned above, access the Create Garages document to learn how to create a private garage and once created you will be able to purchase and manage it.

The menu does not open when using commands

If this is the case, then you are not close to a garage where you own or have keys or perhaps your menu is configured incorrectly, by default we will use ox_lib since it is the best and most stable.

Can I share cars with other people?

No, private garages will simply give others access to deposit and pick up their vehicles, but they will not be able to access another player's vehicles.

Administration of your Private Garage

To manage your private garage, you can use the /garagemenu command, which will allow you to sell it or invite other players by giving them the key to your garage. This does not mean that they will be able to use your vehicles, they will simply be able to deposit and pick up theirs.

Command explanation


Command to modify the garage, only if you own the garage where you are.

Last updated