Persistent Vehicles
The persistence system can be affected by other assets, keep in mind that apart from the Garage, you have other assets started on your server that can affect the use of this system, whether it is another random asset or an anticheat.
This is a very popular system for players who want to add realism to their server, so we also mention that it is not dangerous and that this system includes a police impound system for those who leave their vehicles in the middle of the street or in the middle of the road.
Remove vehicles from the map
Our garage system, as you might notice, does not allow you to remove vehicles from the map using the classic dv command, since vehicles are persistent and will return to the map after deletion.
For this reason, we created two exclusive commands for administration, which will allow you to remove a specific car from the map or all player vehicles on the map.
Note that if you kill a player's car, they will go directly to a random impound on your map, based on the type of the vehicle.
Comando | Explicacion del comando |
/mdv | Alternate command to /dv, this removes the closest car and sends it to impound. |
/mdvall | Command that sends all OUT cars to impound. |
Integration of persistence in other assets
This system is useful to add it to your vehiclesshop or vehicle spawn assets, since by default Advanced Garages will only give persistence to vehicles deposited and removed from the garage, if you have not done that first, the vehicle will not be persistent.
This export system will give the persistent value to a vehicle that you have spawned outside of the garage asset, add it to your vehiclesshop or vehicle spawn assets if you are going to use persistence.
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