Bank Configuration

Quasar Banking has an extensive configuration for creating banks and peds within it, for this we can guide ourselves using the default configuration or reading these steps in the documentation.

General configuration of banks and ATM

Here you can add the points of the banks you want, each one will have its ID so you can choose its blip. You can also add accessories considered as ATMs, if it does not use metadata, they will be normal banks, if it uses metadata you will only be able to access using the card.

Plus you can add even more ATM models if you have modified props on your server.

Config.Bank = { -- All physical banks
    { id = 108, x = 150.266,   y = -1040.203, z = 29.374 },
    { id = 108, x = -1212.980, y = -330.841,  z = 37.787 },
    { id = 108, x = -2962.582, y = 482.627,   z = 15.703 },
    { id = 108, x = -112.202,  y = 6469.295,  z = 31.626 },
    { id = 108, x = 314.187,   y = -278.621,  z = 54.170 },
    { id = 108, x = -351.534,  y = -49.529,   z = 49.042 },
    { id = 108, x = 241.727,   y = 220.706,   z = 106.286 },
    { id = 108, x = 1175.064,  y = 2706.643,  z = 38.094 }

Config.ATMModels = { -- All ATM in your city

Configuration of peds in banks

In this case we offer you a very intuitive configuration of the peds in the banks, they are divided in a way that you can configure each one independently, as well as you can enable or disable them if you have robberies that put NPCs in this position, or simply remove them from the peds list.

Config.EnablePeds = true -- Enable or disable the peds system
Config.Peds = {
        position = vector4(149.5513, -1042.1570, 29.3680, 341.6520),
        model = `U_M_M_BankMan`,
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD'
        position = vector4(-1211.8585, -331.9854, 37.7809, 28.5983),
        model = `U_M_M_BankMan`,
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD'
        position = vector4(-2961.0720, 483.1107, 15.6970, 88.1986),
        model = `U_M_M_BankMan`,
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD'
        position = vector4(-112.2223, 6471.1128, 31.6267, 132.7517),
        model = `U_M_M_BankMan`,
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD'
        position = vector4(313.8176, -280.5338, 54.1647, 339.1609),
        model = `U_M_M_BankMan`,
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD'
        position = vector4(-351.3247, -51.3466, 49.0365, 339.3305),
        model = `U_M_M_BankMan`,
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD'
        position = vector4(1174.9718, 2708.2034, 38.0879, 178.2974),
        model = `U_M_M_BankMan`,
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD'
        position = vector4(247.0348, 225.1851, 106.2875, 158.7528),
        model = `U_M_M_BankMan`,
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD'

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