Washing System

Once the drug sale has been carried out, we can begin laundering black money. In the case of qbcore, we will use markedbills using the original qbcore metadata system. This money laundering point is hidden on the map and will allow you to go through three types of processes before completing the money laundering completely.

If I use qbcore can I use conventional black_money?

We can do the renaming of item or markedbills system using Config.Markedbills, you can edit this using server/custom/framework/*.lua.

Money laundering setup

You can use the general money laundering settings to customize the entry, exit and general spots areas.

Config.CustomPorcentaje = false -- or 1-100 (example 25)

Config.Laundry = {
    ['entry'] = {
        coord = vector3(887.38409, -953.7551, 39.213134),
        intcoord = vector3(1138.0, -3198.96, -39.68),
        intheading = 11.64,
        text = '[E] - Enter',

    ['exit'] = {
        intcoord = vector3(1138.0, -3198.96, -39.68),
        coord = vector3(887.38409, -953.7551, 39.213134),
        heading = 46.85,
        text = '[E] - Exit',

    ['cuttingZone'] = {
        coords = vector3(1122.24, -3197.88, -40.4),
        heading = 179.46,
        text = '[E] - Cut money',
        progText = 'Cutting stolen money...',
        count = 100,
        requireItem = 'black_money',
        rewardItem = 'sorted_money',

    ['packageZone'] = {
        coord = vector3(1120.12, -3197.88, -39.92),
        heading = 180.93,
        text = '[E] - Packaged money',
        progText = 'Packaging stolen money...',
        requireItem = 'sorted_money',
        rewardItem = 'package_money',

    ['washingZone'] = {
        coord = vector3(1122.32, -3194.6, -40.4),
        heading = 346.76,
        text = '[E] - Wash money',
        progText = 'Washing stolen money...',
        requireItem = 'package_money',
        rewardItem = 'money'

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