
The DoorLogic export provides advanced control over vehicle door locking and unlocking mechanics. This system includes various optional parameters to customize animations, notifications, sounds, and other effects.

How to Use

To apply door logic to a vehicle, use the following code:

local closestVehicle = GetClosestVehicle() -- Retrieve the nearest vehicle
if closestVehicle ~= 0 then
    exports["qs-vehiclekeys"]:DoorLogic(closestVehicle, false, 1, false, false, false)
    print("Door logic applied successfully.")
    print("No vehicle found.")

Example Parameters:

  • vehicle: The targeted vehicle entity.

  • skipAnimation: (Optional, default false) Skips the lock/unlock animation if true.

  • forcedDoorStatus: (Optional) Forces the door status (0 for None, 1 for Unlocked, 2 for Locked).

  • skipNotification: (Optional, default false) Prevents notifications from being displayed.

  • skipSound: (Optional, default false) Prevents the default vehicle door sounds.

  • skipFlickerLights: (Optional, default false) Prevents lights from flickering when toggling the lock state.

Example Usage

This example demonstrates applying DoorLogic to the closest vehicle:

function GetClosestVehicle()
    local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
    local pos = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
    local vehicles = GetGamePool('CVehicle')
    local closestVehicle = 0
    local minDistance = -1

    for _, vehicle in ipairs(vehicles) do
        local distance = #(pos - GetEntityCoords(vehicle))

        if minDistance == -1 or distance < minDistance then
            minDistance = distance
            closestVehicle = vehicle

    return closestVehicle

local closestVehicle = GetClosestVehicle()
if closestVehicle ~= 0 then
    exports["qs-vehiclekeys"]:DoorLogic(closestVehicle, false, 2, true, false, true)
    print("DoorLogic applied: Doors locked, notifications displayed.")
    print("No vehicle found.")

This export allows flexible control over vehicle door states, enabling customized interaction within your scripts.

Last updated