
The RemoveServerKeys export is used to remove a player's access to a specific vehicle's keys from the server side. This export is helpful when you need to revoke key ownership, for example, after vehicle repossession or in administrative actions.

How to Use

To remove keys from a player for a specific vehicle, use the following parameters:

  • source: The player's server ID whose keys you want to remove.

  • plate: The license plate of the vehicle.

  • model: The vehicle model.

Here’s an example of how to use this export:

local playerSource = 1 -- Replace with the player's server ID
local vehiclePlate = "XYZ123"
local vehicleModel = "Adder"

exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:RemoveServerKeys(playerSource, vehiclePlate, vehicleModel)
print("Keys removed from player " .. playerSource .. " for vehicle plate: " .. vehiclePlate)

Example Usage

This example demonstrates removing a player's vehicle keys after a vehicle has been impounded:

RegisterNetEvent('impoundVehicle', function(playerId, vehicleData)
    local plate = vehicleData.plate
    local model = vehicleData.model

    -- Remove the player's keys for the impounded vehicle
    exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:RemoveServerKeys(playerId, plate, model)

    print("Keys revoked for player ID: " .. playerId .. " for vehicle plate: " .. plate)

In this example, the export ensures that the player no longer has access to the impounded vehicle by removing their keys server-side.

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