Interior System

Quasar Advanced Garages incorporates an IPL-based interior system that utilizes bob74_ipl and the latest gamebuild for seamless integration. Ensure you have followed the Installation Guide to configure these prerequisites properly.

GameBuild Requirement

If the interior system is not functioning as expected, ensure the following:


GameBuild Configuration

Add the convar sv_enforceGameBuild 2802 to your server.cfg to enable the necessary features for this system.


External Asset Conflicts

Some external assets, such as rcore_casino, may interfere with internal IPLs. If the issue persists, contact the developers of conflicting assets for assistance.

Interior Customization

The asset supports all IPL interiors available in GTA V. You can customize interior configurations, including slot limits and vehicle positions, by modifying the file located in config/interiors.lua.

Slot System

The interior system uses a slot-based logic:


Garage Slot Limits

Each garage has a predefined vehicle limit. If the garage reaches its limit (e.g., 40 vehicles), no additional parking will be allowed until a vehicle is removed.


Sync Customization

You can disable Config.GarageSync to make slots unique per player, removing the shared slot limitation. This offers a personalized experience for players but may deviate from the intended functionality.

Last updated