Body Cam System

Quasar Dispatch & MDT includes an advanced Body Cam system that allows live transmissions of other players' Body Cams within designated zones. Here's a simplified guide on how to configure and customize Body Cam Zones.

Configuring Body Cam Zones

Body Cam Zones define areas where players can access live Body Cam transmissions. Below is an example configuration:

Config.DispatchBodyCamZones = {
    enabled = true, -- Enables or disables the Body Cam Zones system
    zones = {
        [1] = { -- Zone definition
            label = "Zone 1", -- Name of the zone
            coords = vector3(443.4022, -982.2336, 30.6892), -- Location of the zone
            width = 30, -- Radius of the zone

Key Parameters



  • enabled (boolean): Set to true to activate Body Cam Zones. Set to false to disable them entirely.



  • zones (table): A list of all defined zones, where each zone includes:

    • label (string): The name of the zone, visible to players.

    • coords (vector3): The exact location of the Body Cam Zone.

    • width (number): The radius of the zone, determining its coverage.

Adding or Modifying Zones

To add a new zone:


Copy the structure of an existing zone.


Assign a unique index ([2], [3], etc.).


Customize the label, coords, and width values.

Example of multiple zones:

Config.DispatchBodyCamZones = {
    enabled = true,
    zones = {
        [1] = {
            label = "Police HQ",
            coords = vector3(443.4022, -982.2336, 30.6892),
            width = 30,
        [2] = {
            label = "Hospital",
            coords = vector3(340.45, -1396.32, 32.50),
            width = 25,

Last updated