
The getMeta export retrieves the metadata of the phone a player is currently using or the last phone they used. This metadata can include information such as the phone's unique attributes or data associated with it.

How to Use

To retrieve a player's phone metadata, use the following code:

local playerSource = source -- Replace with the player's source ID

local phoneMeta = exports['qs-smartphone-pro']:getMetaFromSource(playerSource)

if phoneMeta then
    print("Phone Metadata: " .. json.encode(phoneMeta, { indent = true }))
    print("No phone metadata found for this player.")


  • source: The player's source ID (e.g., the server-side identifier for the player).

This export returns a table containing the phone's metadata or false if no metadata is found. It is particularly useful for debugging, tracking phone usage, or managing custom features related to the phone.

Last updated