How to create a house

Quasar Housing is more than just a housing system; it’s a versatile creation system that allows you to dynamically create houses and objects anywhere on the map.


Get the job first

You must first get the job with the command /setjob [id] realestate 0.


Press F7 (by default)

Once we have the job, we press the F7 key and we will see the complete menu.

Worker Configuration

To enable housing creation, specific jobs must be assigned in the configuration. These jobs will be allowed to create homes using a default key mapping F7 or a custom key set in Config.OpenJobMenu.

Below is an example of assigning jobs allowed to create houses:

Config.CreatorJobs = { -- Jobs authorized for house creation

By assigning these jobs, workers like real estate agents or police can access the housing creation menu seamlessly.

Last updated