Char Slots Integration
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Quasar Multicharacter allows you to use slots blocked through Tebex Store, with this system you can sell slots in your official Tebex server store.
To start the integration, we must go to "Integrations" within our panel on the left in Tebex. Once inside, we will see the "Game Servers" option, that is the way to go.
Once inside this part of our Tebex store, we will go to the button that says "Connect Game Server" to continue.
We will create a PLUGIN in this new section, where we will click to continue.
In this step, we can give it a custom name, but we must ignore the "Packages" part, we will simply continue.
Click copy command and paste it to server.cfg then restart your server and when Not Connected indicator turns green and says connected click "Continue".
Once this is done, we have our integration ready, which we will add within the package that we will sell as Multicharacter slot in our store. To do this, we will go to "Packages" in the menu on the left of Tebex.
We will click on "Add New" and then "Package" to create our package.
We will give you a title, description, image and all the details you want to create a unique package.
Once the details have been given, we will go further down and create a "Game Server Commands".
Within "Game Servers" we will select the integration that we did previously in the previous steps and we will click on the button on the right that says "Add Command".
Inside, we will leave the default option "When the package is purchased" and add the following text.
Once all these steps have been completed, everything is ready. When a player purchases this package, they will receive a tbx-id, which they will copy and use within our Multicharacter to unlock new slots.
You can give slots through administrative command using /addslot id.
/addslot [id]
Add a slot to the selected player id.
This step is simple, in config.lua we will have access to the "tebex" option, as in the following example.