
The images for these items can always be found in a folder named [images] within the previously downloaded package. Make sure to use these images to ensure consistency and a seamless experience for players on your server.

camera = {
    ["name"] = "camera",
    ["label"] = "Camera",
    ["weight"] = 100,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "camera.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = true,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "A small and sweet casting."

photo = {
    ["name"] = "photo",
    ["label"] = "Photo",
    ["weight"] = 1,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "photo.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = true,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "A small and sweet casting."

camera_module = {
    ["name"] = "camera_module",
    ["label"] = "Camera module",
    ["weight"] = 20,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "camera_module.png",
    ["unique"] = false,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = true,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "A small and sweet casting."

broken_camera = {
    ["name"] = "broken_camera",
    ["label"] = "Broken Camera",
    ["weight"] = 100,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "broken_camera.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = true,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "A small and sweet casting."

Last updated