How to change key bindings

Register Key Mapping

To properly organize your keybinds and optimize your resource, we’ve adopted the FiveM native RegisterKeyMapping. This eliminates the need for constant checks (while loops) for key presses, significantly improving performance. This native works by triggering the associated chat command whenever the keybind is pressed.


Optimized performance

Reduces resource usage by removing frame-by-frame checks.


Client customization

Players can now change their own keybinds directly in-game.

How to Change Keys In-Game

This allows players to customize controls for specific FiveM actions directly in-game.


Open the Settings Menu

Navigate to the Settings menu in GTA V.


Go to Key Bindings

Under Settings, find and select the Key Bindings section.


Select FiveM Key Bindings

Scroll to the FiveM section where all FiveM-related keybinds are listed.


Adjust Key Bindings

Modify the keybinds as needed to suit your preferences.

How to Reset Keybinds

If you need to reset your keybinds, there are two options:


Using Console

Open the F8 console and type this, example: unbind keyboard f10.

unbind keyboard [key]

Editing Configuration File

  • Go to C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\CitizenFX.

  • Open fivem.cfg.

  • Remove the lines related to the resource.

  • Restart FiveM.

Last updated