Creating New Cards

Quasar Trading Cards allows you to create custom collectible cards with metadata like rarity, stats, and visual details. Follow this guide to add your own cards.


Do not edit rarity levels

Modifying the rarity (basic, rare, legendary) may break the system.


Metadata requirement

Card items without metadata (e.g., manually added to inventory) will not function. Cards must be obtained through the tradingcard_booster_pack for metadata to apply.


Image hosting

Avoid hosting card images on Discord, as it is not compatible with FiveM. Use a reliable image-hosting service instead.

How to Create Cards

All card configurations are located in the config.lua file under the Config.Cards table. Each card has detailed properties, allowing you to customize its appearance and attributes.

Example Card Configuration

Here’s an example of how to add a new card:

Config.Cards = {
    [1] = { -- Unique order number for the card
        color = 'rare', -- Rarity level: basic, rare, legendary
        rank = 'rare', -- Rank corresponding to rarity
        label = 'Corrado Cattani', -- Card title or name
        images = '', -- URL to the card image
        term = 'Corrado Cattani, son of a smuggler, candidate for general after a pandemic. Defender of his city against walkers.', -- Card backstory or tagline
        -- description = 'A secondary description?', -- Optional additional description
        health = 200, -- Health value of the character
        attack = 99, -- Attack power of the character
        height = '168', -- Character's height (cm)
        weight = '80', -- Character's weight (kg)
        quality = 100, -- Quality rating of the card (e.g., out of 100)
    -- Add more cards following the same structure

Key Attributes

  • color: Defines card rarity (basic, rare, legendary).

  • rank: Must match the rarity for consistency.

  • label: The card's title or name.

  • images: URL to the card's image; ensure compatibility with FiveM.

  • term: A short backstory or tagline for the card.

  • description (optional): Placeholder for an additional description.

  • health: Character's health points.

  • attack: Character's attack power.

  • height and weight: Character's physical attributes.

  • quality: The card's overall quality rating.

Tips for Adding Cards


Unique Order Number

Ensure each card has a unique index number ([1], [2], etc.).


Matching Rarity and Rank

The color and rank values must correspond (basic for basic, rare for rare, etc.).


Optimize Images

Use web-optimized image formats (e.g., .webp) to ensure fast loading and compatibility.

By following this structure, you can expand your Quasar Trading Cards system with custom and engaging cards tailored to your server’s needs.

Last updated