
The SpawnVehicle export allows you to spawn a vehicle programmatically with persistence while ensuring it matches the server's vehicle data. This is useful for scenarios where vehicles need to be spawned externally but still retain their database-linked attributes.

How to Use

To spawn a vehicle with persistence, use the following code:

-- Example values for required parameters
local vehicleId = 1                 -- ID from the player_vehicles or owned_vehicles table
local ownerIdentifier = "steam:xyz" -- Player's unique identifier
local vehicleType = "car"           -- Type of vehicle: 'vehicle', 'boat', or 'plane'
local spawnCoords = vector4(215.2, -810.2, 30.7, 90.0) -- Coordinates to spawn the vehicle
local vehicleProps = {color1 = 0, color2 = 1}          -- Custom vehicle properties (mods)
local playerSource = 1              -- Player's server-side source ID
local warpIntoVehicle = true        -- Whether the player should spawn inside the vehicle

-- Spawn the vehicle
exports['qs-advancedgarages']:SpawnVehicle(vehicleId, ownerIdentifier, vehicleType, spawnCoords, vehicleProps, playerSource, warpIntoVehicle)

print("Vehicle spawned with persistence for player " .. ownerIdentifier)

Explanation of Parameters

  • id: Unique ID of the vehicle from the database (e.g., player_vehicle > column id).

  • owner: The player's identifier (Steam, Discord, etc.).

  • vType: Type of vehicle, such as vehicle, boat, or plane.

  • coords: Coordinates and heading where the vehicle will spawn.

  • props: Vehicle modifications or properties retrieved from the database.

  • source: Player's server source ID.

  • warp: Boolean to decide if the player spawns directly inside the vehicle.

This export ensures that the spawned vehicle integrates seamlessly with the persistence system and retains all database-defined characteristics.

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