The laundering system allows players to clean black money obtained from drug sales. For QBCore, this system uses markedbills with the original metadata system, making it seamless and functional. Players must complete three stages—cutting, packaging, and washing—to convert black money into clean currency.
Customizable Item Names
You can rename the markedbills system using Config.Markedbills in the file server/custom/framework/*.lua.
Entry and Exit Points
A hidden location on the map serves as the entry point for laundering. Players can move between defined interior and exterior spots for the process.
Three-Step Process
Cut Money: Converts black_money into sorted_money.
Package Money: Turns sorted_money into package_money.
Wash Money: Cleans package_money into usable in-game cash.
Configuration Example
Below is an example setup for configuring the laundering system:
luaCopiarEditarConfig.CustomPorcentaje = false -- Set to false or a percentage (e.g., 25 for 25%)
Config.Laundry = {
-- Entry configuration
['entry'] = {
coord = vector3(887.38409, -953.7551, 39.213134), -- Exterior entry point
intcoord = vector3(1138.0, -3198.96, -39.68), -- Interior entry point
intheading = 11.64, -- Interior entry heading
text = '[E] - Enter', -- Interaction text
-- Exit configuration
['exit'] = {
intcoord = vector3(1138.0, -3198.96, -39.68), -- Interior exit point
coord = vector3(887.38409, -953.7551, 39.213134), -- Exterior exit point
heading = 46.85, -- Exterior exit heading
text = '[E] - Exit', -- Interaction text
-- Cutting Zone
['cuttingZone'] = {
coords = vector3(1122.24, -3197.88, -40.4), -- Cutting zone location
heading = 179.46,
text = '[E] - Cut money', -- Interaction text
progText = 'Cutting stolen money...', -- Progress text
count = 100, -- Amount of black money required
requireItem = 'black_money', -- Input item
rewardItem = 'sorted_money', -- Output item
-- Packaging Zone
['packageZone'] = {
coord = vector3(1120.12, -3197.88, -39.92), -- Packaging zone location
heading = 180.93,
text = '[E] - Packaged money', -- Interaction text
progText = 'Packaging stolen money...', -- Progress text
requireItem = 'sorted_money', -- Input item
rewardItem = 'package_money', -- Output item
-- Washing Zone
['washingZone'] = {
coord = vector3(1122.32, -3194.6, -40.4), -- Washing zone location
heading = 346.76,
text = '[E] - Wash money', -- Interaction text
progText = 'Washing stolen money...', -- Progress text
requireItem = 'package_money', -- Input item
rewardItem = 'money', -- Output item
How It Works
This system ensures an immersive and interactive money-laundering experience, adding depth and realism to the drug operations within your server.
Enter the Laundering Location
Use the designated entry point to access the laundering area.
Perform the Steps
Follow the sequential steps—cut, package, and wash money—to complete the laundering process.
Exit the Location
Leave through the designated exit once the process is complete.