
The SetFuel export allows you to set the fuel level of a specific vehicle programmatically. This is useful for customizing fuel levels during gameplay scenarios such as refueling, debugging, or initializing vehicles with specific fuel values.

How to Use

To set the fuel level of a vehicle, use the following code:

-- Set the fuel level for a specific vehicle
exports['qs-fuelstations']:SetFuel(vehicle, fuelLevel)


local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false) -- Get the current vehicle
local fuelLevel = 50 -- Set the fuel level to 50%
exports['qs-fuelstations']:SetFuel(vehicle, fuelLevel)
print("Fuel level set to: " .. fuelLevel)

This export takes two parameters:

  • vehicle: The entity ID of the vehicle whose fuel level is to be set.

  • fuelLevel: The desired fuel percentage (e.g., 50 for 50%).

This function ensures that fuel levels can be adjusted seamlessly, enhancing gameplay customization and debugging options.

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