Adding new drugs to the Quasar Drugs Creator system is simple and fully customizable. Follow these steps to set it up:
Initial Setup in config/config.lua
In the config/config.lua file, add a new entry to Config.CollectItems for the new drug. For example, to add Heroine:
['heroine'] = {
prop = 'prop_sink_06', -- Prop used for the drug collection zone
name = 'Heroine', -- Display name of the drug
item = 'heroine', -- Item name (must match the item in your database)
time = 4000, -- Time required for the collection process (in ms)
quantityMin = 1, -- Minimum amount players will collect
quantityMax = 5, -- Maximum amount players will collect
requiredCops = false, -- Whether police presence is required
requiredCopsQuantity = 0, -- Minimum number of police required online
collect_label = 'Collecting Heroine...' -- Progress bar label
Define Drug Animations in Config.DrugAnimations
Next, add the new drug to Config.DrugAnimations. This defines the animations used during drug processing and packaging. For example:
['heroine'] = {
package = {
dict = 'mp_player_intdrink',
anim = 'loop_bottle',
progressBarLabel = 'Packaging Heroine...',
progressBarTime = 5000,
prop = { -- Optional, if you want to include a model
model = `prop_ld_flow_bottle`,
pos = vec3(0.03, 0.03, 0.02),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.5)
process = {
dict = 'mp_player_intdrink',
anim = 'loop_bottle',
progressBarLabel = 'Processing Heroine...',
progressBarTime = 5000,
prop = {
model = `prop_ld_flow_bottle`,
pos = vec3(0.03, 0.03, 0.02),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.5)
Add Processing Objects in config/furniture.lua
To assign objects for processing and packaging the new drug, add entries to Config.DynamicFurnitures. For example, for Heroine:
-- Heroine Processing Table
['prop_sink_06'] = {
drugType = 'heroine', -- Drug type identifier
fn = processDrug('heroine', 'process'), -- Function to process the drug
offset = { -- Optional text offset
x = 0.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0,
Add the Drug to Your Inventory Database
If you use an inventory other than esx_inventory, adapt it to your inventory.
Finally, ensure the new drug is added to your inventory system. For example, in your SQL database:
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`) VALUES
('heroine', 'Heroine', 10);
Testing and Verification
Restart your server to load the new configuration.
Test collecting, processing, and packaging the new drug to ensure everything works as expected.
Make any adjustments to timers, quantities, or animations based on feedback or server needs.