List of commands
Each command has its explanation on the right side, if any command does not work, you can check if you used its syntax correctly, you can later claim it in a ticket.
/sendmail [title] [description]
Administrative command to send emails to all players.
/sendbill [id] [price] [reason]
Police command to send a billing to a certain player.
Open or close the phone.
Delete your entire alarm list completely.
You can check your type of telephone balance.
Remove the prop from your hand.
Reset the position of the phone if you have moved it around your screen.
Delete all phone cache data from the entire server.
/deleteUserPhone id
Delete all cache data from a specific player's phones.
/setcryptoworth crypto value
Administrative command that changes the value of the cryptocurrency.
Check the global price of the cryptocurrency.
Command that will tell you your total cryptocurrency in your wallet.
/giveinstaverify [username]
Verify a specific Instagram account.
/givetwitterverify [username]
Verify a specific Twitter account.
/deletemarket [id]
Delete or reset a market, useful when making changes to the Markets table.
/chargePhone id
Administrative command to recharge the phone of a specific player.
Send an SOS message to the server's ambulance.
How to execute commands using code
This step is very simple, you can use ExecuteCommand('command') anywhere in your code, but for this you should read the ExecuteCommand usage guide at the following link.
Last updated