Last updated
Last updated
Before starting, you must log in to the CFX portal to download the asset. You will be able to download it as many times as you want on the official CFX page. Just as you download it the first time, you will also download it multiple times in the future to get updates.
First, log in to the official CFX portal by clicking here.
Remember, if you encounter any issues or errors when starting the asset, you can check here to see if the problem is related.
The dependencies for this asset are mandatory, so please follow the dependency guide completely and use all required files.
When downloading a dependency, ensure the file is properly unzipped and does not include "-main" at the end of its name. If it does, please remove it.
Updating to the latest artifacts and gamebuild is essential to avoid common server issues. Here's how to do it properly:
Completely replace your current artifacts with the latest version. Download the appropriate artifacts for your operating system from the official links:
Windows: Windows Artifacts.
Linux: Linux Artifacts.
You can see the complete guide to update your server here:
To start qs-interface, simply place it at the top of all your other scripts, but make sure it is below es_extended and esx-core. A good reference point is to position it right above essential scripts like basicneeds. This ensures that qs-interface can properly manage the user interface without conflicts or loading errors with other resources.
All Quasar Store assets use the same process for modifying Key Binds to ensure consistency and optimized performance across all resources.
Below is a clear and detailed guide on how to adjust them to your preferences.