Client-side invoice

The CreateInvoice server-side export allows you to generate invoices programmatically within the Quasar Billing system. This is particularly useful for creating customized billing scenarios for various jobs, businesses, or gameplay mechanics.

How to Use

To create an invoice, trigger the following server event:

TriggerServerEvent('qs-billing:server:CreateInvoice', receiverId, 'title', 'description', amount, isSociety, isAlreadyPaid, giveItem, questToGiveItem, customSocietyName or nil)

Parameters Explained

  • receiverId: The player ID receiving the invoice.

  • title: A short title for the invoice.

  • description: A detailed description of the invoice.

  • amount: The invoice amount to be paid.

  • isSociety: Always set to true to ensure compatibility. Using false may result in unexpected behavior.

  • isAlreadyPaid: If true, the invoice is marked as paid and logged as payment history. If false, the player must pay the invoice.

  • giveItem: If true, the player will receive the invoice as an item. If false, the invoice remains virtual.

  • questToGiveItem: If true, the player is prompted to accept the invoice item. If false, the invoice is automatically given or not, depending on giveItem.

  • customSocietyName (optional): Allows setting a custom name for the company issuing the invoice. Use nil to default to the standard society name.

Example Usage

Here’s an example of how to use this export to create an invoice via a custom command:

RegisterCommand('testinvoice', function()
    TriggerServerEvent('qs-billing:server:CreateInvoice', 1, 'Car Repair', 'Repair services for vehicle damage', 5000, true, false, true, true, nil)
end, false)

Additional Notes


Ensure that customSocietyName is included server-side; otherwise, the event may not function correctly.


Always verify the receiverId to avoid targeting non-existent players.


Use this export cautiously, as improper parameter handling can disrupt gameplay.

Last updated