History Entrie for Vehicle

You can only use these events on client-side, do not try any other way.

This feature allows you to create a report for a vehicle and is only compatible when Config.MDT.newMdt = false. You can use this functionality alongside exports like GetPlayerInfo and getSSURL to generate detailed vehicle records.


The server callback requires three parameters:


Callback Function

Executes when the server responds. The resp argument indicates success (true) or failure (false).


Data Object

Contains the vehicle data to be stored in the record:

  • type (string): Type of violation or event (e.g., infraction). Do not modify this value.

  • plate (string): The vehicle's license plate.

  • zone (string): The name of the area or related official.

  • data (table): Key-value pairs with additional information about the vehicle:

    • key: The label/title of the data.

    • value: The content/value of the data.

Example (Client-Side)

TriggerServerCallback("qs-dispatch:server:setVehicleDataRecord", function(resp)
    if resp then
        print("BOLO SUCCESS")
        print("BOLO ERROR")
end, {
    type = "infraction",
    plate = "ABC123",
    zone = "Downtown",
    data = {
        { key = "Model", value = "Sedan" },
        { key = "Plate", value = "ABC123" },
        { key = "Color", value = "Red" },
        { key = "Speed", value = "60 km/h" },
        { key = "Zone", value = "Downtown" },
        { key = "Limit", value = "50 km/h" },
        { key = "Fine", value = "100$" },
        { key = "Image", value = "https://example.com/image.jpg" }
  • This feature is intended for client-side usage.

  • Ensure the data passed to the data table is relevant and correctly formatted.

  • The plate and zone parameters should accurately represent the vehicle's details and location/event for better record-keeping.

Last updated