Persistent Vehicles

Quasar Advanced Garages introduces an advanced persistence system that enhances realism by keeping vehicles active in the world until properly impounded. This feature also includes a police impound system for managing abandoned or misplaced vehicles, ensuring they do not remain obstructive on the streets.

Removing Vehicles from the Map

Unlike traditional systems, this garage does not support removing vehicles using the standard /dv command. Since vehicles are persistent, they will return to the map even after deletion. To address this, two specialized administrative commands are provided:



Removes the closest vehicle and sends it to the impound.


Sends all currently deployed vehicles to impound.

Both commands ensure proper management of vehicles, redirecting them to impounds instead of merely deleting them, enhancing server realism.

Police Impound System

When vehicles are removed using these commands, they are sent directly to a random impound on the map, based on their type. This integration prevents vehicles from cluttering streets or interfering with gameplay.

Integrating Persistence Into Other Assets

To ensure vehicles spawned outside the garage (e.g., from a vehicleshop or other vehicle spawn systems) are also persistent, you can use the following export:

  • Parameter: vehicle – The netId of the vehicle to make persistent.

  • Use Case: Add this export to your vehicleshop or vehicle spawn assets to apply persistence automatically to all newly spawned vehicles.

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