Job and Locations

This guide explains how to configure job-specific settings and the various locations used in the mining system. Follow the steps below to customize these aspects according to your server's needs.

Job Configuration

The job configuration determines which players or roles can interact with the mining system. If you want the mining system to be restricted to specific jobs, you can enable it as follows:


Enable Job Requirement

Set Config.RequireJob to true to restrict access to players with specific jobs.

Config.RequireJob = true

Specify Allowed Jobs

In the Config.MinerJob section, list the jobs that are allowed to interact with the mining system. Set each job to true for access.

Config.MinerJob = {
    ['miner'] = true, -- Only players with the "miner" job can access
    -- ['jobname'] = true, -- Add additional jobs here

Disable Job Requirement

If you want all players to access the mining system, set Config.RequireJob to false.

Config.RequireJob = false

Locations Configuration

The mining system allows for various key locations such as mining zones, NPC interactions, and item purchase spots. Below is a breakdown of these locations and how to configure them.


Mining Zone

Defines the main mining area where players can collect minerals.

  • Key Settings:

    • public: Set to true if all players should see the blip on the map.

    • coords: The coordinates for the mining zone.

    • details: Configure blip settings such as name, sprite, size, color, and display options.

  • Example Configuration:

    Config.Locations.miningZone = {
        public = true,
        coords = { x = 2943.91, y = 2747.42, z = 43.33 },
        details = { name = 'Mining Zone', sprite = 762, size = 1.0, color = 10, display = 2 }

Ped Locations

Configure NPCs for interaction within the mining system.

  • Ped Manager (General Interaction):

    • Location: Handles general management for the mining system.

    Config.Locations.pedManager = {
        model = "s_m_m_dockwork_01",
        pos = vec4(2943.91, 2747.42, 43.33, 277.795288),
        marker = vec3(2943.91, 2747.42, 44.50)
  • Ped Seller (Sell Minerals):

    • Location: Enables players to sell collected minerals.

    Config.Locations.pedSeller = {
        model = "s_m_m_dockwork_01",
        pos = vec4(2951.063, 2746.15, 43.43, 19.84),
        details = { name = 'Sell minerals', sprite = 431, size = 1.0, color = 10, display = 2 },
        coords = { x = 2951.063, y = 2746.15, z = 43.43 }
  • Ped Quest (Mining Quests):

    • Location: Offers mining-related quests for players.

    Config.Locations.pedQuest = {
        model = "s_m_m_dockwork_01",
        pos = vec4(2948.84, 2751.30, 43.34, 195.59),
        details = { name = 'Miners quest', sprite = 306, size = 1.3, color = 10, display = 2 },
        coords = { x = 2948.84, y = 2751.30, z = 43.34 }
  • Ped Leaderboard:

    • Location: Displays leaderboard rankings for miners.

    Config.Locations.pedLeaderboard = {
        model = "s_m_m_dockwork_01",
        pos = vec4(2956.73, 2745.66, 43.51, 5.66),
        details = { name = 'Miners leaderboard', sprite = 439, size = 1.0, color = 10, display = 2 },
        coords = { x = 2956.73, y = 2745.66, z = 43.51 }

Pickaxe Box

Defines the location for accessing pickaxes.

  • Example Configuration:

    Config.Locations.pickaxeBox = {
        marker = vec3(2945.56, 2745.92, 43.80)


Defines the location for refining or processing minerals.

  • Example Configuration:

    Config.Locations.conveyor = {
        marker = vec3(2954.04, 2794.23, 41.23)

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