Drug Sales System

Quasar Gangs & Territories includes an advanced drug sales system that integrates with gang territories. Players can engage in two types of drug sales: dealer missions and street sales within conquered territories. Each system offers unique gameplay opportunities and challenges.

Territory Dealer System

Within each territory, a dealer provides missions to deliver drug packages. Completing these missions on time builds reputation, unlocking new purchasable items from the dealer. Each dealer's reputation system is independent, allowing players to develop unique relationships with each one. Dealers can be configured in the Config.Territories file under their respective territories.

dealers = { 
    ['zone-1'] = {
        name = 'Abel Pintos',
        coords = vector3(267.665955, -1979.446167, 21.461548),
        time = { min = 01, max = 12 },
        products = Config.Products

Alternatively, you can create dealers in-game using the command /createdealer name open close, specifying the dealer's name, opening time, and closing time for added flexibility.

Street Drug Sales

Street sales are exclusive to the dominant gang within a territory. Gang members can sell drugs to NPCs in the area, simulating neighborhood-level dealing. NPCs may tip, haggle, or even attempt to rob the player, adding dynamic challenges. The sales system can be initiated with the /selldrugs command or through the Gang menu.


Drug sales are limited to your gang’s territory.


Prices and interactions can be configured for balanced gameplay.

This dual-layered sales system adds depth to gang dynamics, encouraging players to conquer and maintain territories while managing relationships with dealers.

Last updated