List of commands
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Each command has its explanation on the right side, if any command does not work, you can check if you used its syntax correctly, you can later claim it in a ticket.
Alternate command to /dv, this removes the closest car and sends it to impound.
Command that sends all OUT cars to impound.
Repair the nearby vehicle or the one you are currently sitting on.
Add the car you are in to a job garage.
Remove the work vehicle from a certain garage.
Command to create garages, you must have the specific job.
Command to modify the garage, only if you own the garage where you are.
Command to send cars to an impound, have the specific job.
/givecar [id] [model] [plate]
Command that will send a car to the selected player.
/giveboat [id] [model] [plate]
Command that will send a boat to the selected player.
/giveplane [id] [model] [plate]
Command that will send a plane to the selected player.
This step is very simple, you can use ExecuteCommand('command') anywhere in your code, but for this you should read the ExecuteCommand usage guide at the following link.