Quasar Drugs provides a comprehensive farming system allowing players to collect different types of drugs at various configurable locations. The farming spots, props, and item details can be customized in the config/farm.lua file. Before advancing to selling or laundering, players must first collect the raw materials required for drug production.
Police Requirement
You can set a minimum number of police officers required to be online for drug farming to be possible.
Custom Props
Each drug type uses specific props to represent collectable plants or materials. These props must be placed in the world and tied to corresponding items.
Circle Zones
Use Config.CircleZones to define the farming areas with spawn coordinates for the collectable props.
Drug Collection Settings
Customize the farming behavior, including the item name, progress bar time, police requirements, and the quantity of drugs collectable per interaction.
Config.CollectItems = {
['weed'] = {
prop = 'prop_weed_01', -- Prop model for weed
name = 'Weed', -- Display name
item = 'weed', -- Item name
time = 4000, -- Collection time in milliseconds
quantityMin = 1, -- Minimum amount collected
quantityMax = 5, -- Maximum amount collected
requiredCops = true, -- Police required to farm
requiredCopsQuantity = 1 -- Minimum police count
['meth'] = {
prop = 'prop_barrel_exp_01a', -- Prop model for chemicals
name = 'Chemicals', -- Display name
item = 'chemicals', -- Item name
time = 4000,
quantityMin = 1,
quantityMax = 5,
requiredCops = false,
requiredCopsQuantity = 0
['cocaine'] = {
prop = 'prop_plant_cane_02b', -- Prop model for cocaine
name = 'Cocaine',
item = 'cocaine',
time = 4000,
quantityMin = 1,
quantityMax = 5,
requiredCops = false,
requiredCopsQuantity = 0
Farming Zones
Define farming locations and spawn points for props. These coordinates determine where the plants or resources will appear.
This system provides a dynamic and interactive way to introduce drug farming, enabling server owners to control the flow of illegal activities while ensuring balance and immersion.
Spot Detection
Players enter a predefined zone, and props spawn at the specified coordinates.
Interact with the props to gather items using progress bars and animations.
Police Checks
If enabled, the system verifies the number of police officers online before allowing collection.