
The qb-inventory:server:itemRemoved and qb-inventory:client:itemRemoved events are triggered whenever an item is removed from a player's inventory. You can use these events to implement custom logic when specific items are removed.

Event Structure (Server-Side)

AddEventHandler('qb-inventory:server:itemRemoved', function(source, item, amount, totalAmount)
    -- Your logic here

Event Structure (Client-Side)

AddEventHandler('qb-inventory:client:itemRemoved', function(source, item, amount, totalAmount)
    -- Your logic here


  • source: The player's source ID (integer).

  • item: The item name being removed (string).

  • amount: The quantity of the item being removed (integer).

  • totalAmount: The total quantity of the item remaining in the inventory after the removal (integer).

Basic Example: Detect Specific Item Removal


AddEventHandler('qb-inventory:server:itemRemoved', function(source, item, amount, totalAmount)
    if item == "water_bottle" then
        print("Player removed a water bottle from their inventory!")
        print("Amount removed: " .. amount .. ", Remaining: " .. totalAmount)


AddEventHandler('qb-inventory:client:itemRemoved', function(source, item, amount, totalAmount)
    if item == "water_bottle" then
        print("Client detected a water bottle removed!")
        print("Amount removed: " .. amount .. ", Remaining: " .. totalAmount)

Implementation Steps

  1. Place the server-side code in a server-side Lua file and the client-side code in a client-side.

  2. Match the item parameter with the item names defined in your inventory system.

  3. Add any custom functionality, such as notifications, logging, or effects, as needed.

These events provide an effective way to track and respond to item removals in your inventory system.

Last updated