The event qs-dispatch:server:CreateDispatchCall allows you to create dispatch calls in the system, targeting specific jobs and providing detailed call information. Below is a guide to using this event effectively.
Basic Dispatch Call
The event qs-dispatch:server:CreateDispatchCall is used to create a dispatch call in a dispatch management system. You must pass an object as an argument to the event with the following data.
job (array): A list of jobs related to the dispatch call. You can include values such as 'police', 'sheriff', 'traffic', 'patrol' and any others you wish to receive the dispatch call.
callLocation (vector3): The coordinates of the location of the dispatch call. You must provide the coordinates in the form of a vector3 object.
callCode (table): An object containing a call code and an associated code fragment. For example, you can have a call code 'Hight Speed' with a code fragment 'Vehicle'.
message (string): A message describing the dispatch call. It may include relevant information such as vehicle model, license plate, color and speed.
flashes (boolean): A Boolean value indicating whether the dispatch call icon should flash.
image (string o nil): An image attached to the dispatch call. This can be an image URL or nil if there is no image attached.
blip (table): An object describing the blip associated with the dispatch call. It may contain properties such as the blip's sprite, scale, color, whether it blinks, the associated text, and the blip's duration time in milliseconds.
Be sure to provide the proper data in the correct format when calling this event to create a dispatch:
TriggerServerEvent('qs-dispatch:server:CreateDispatchCall', {
job = { 'police', 'sheriff', 'traffic', 'patrol' },
callLocation = vector3(0, 0, 0),
callCode = { code = '10-10', snippet = 'Vehicle Pursuit' },
message = "A vehicle speeding at 120 km/h with license plate ABC123 was spotted.",
flashes = true,
image = "", -- Use getSSURL if needed
blip = {
sprite = 488,
scale = 1.5,
colour = 1,
flashes = true,
text = 'High-Speed Pursuit',
time = 60000, -- 1 minute
otherData = {
text = 'Suspect Wearing Red',
icon = 'fas fa-user-secret'
Dispatch Call With Player Data
The combination of CreateDispatchCall and GetPlayerInfo allows you to dynamically generate dispatch calls based on real-time player information. This is useful for creating personalized and precise alerts for jobs like police or emergency services.
To create a dispatch call using real-time player data, use the following code:
This example demonstrates how to create a dispatch call that includes real-time player data and a screenshot URL. This is useful for creating detailed and visual alerts for dispatch jobs like police or emergency services.
To dynamically generate a dispatch call with player data and a screenshot, use the following code:
local playerData = exports['qs-dispatch']:GetPlayerInfo()
-- Check if player data is successfully retrieved
if (not playerData) then
ErrorPrint("Error getting player data")
-- Get the screenshot URL and create a dispatch call
TriggerServerEvent('qs-dispatch:server:CreateDispatchCall', {
job = { 'police', 'sheriff', 'traffic', 'patrol' }, -- Targeted jobs
callLocation = playerData.coords, -- Player's current location
callCode = { code = 'High Speed', snippet = 'Vehicle' }, -- Dispatch code
message = "street_1: ".. playerData.street_1.. " street_2: ".. playerData.street_2..
" sex: ".. " vehicle_label: ".. playerData.vehicle_label..
" vehicle_colour: ".. playerData.vehicle_colour.. " vehicle_plate: ".. playerData.vehicle_plate..
" speed: ".. playerData.speed, -- Detailed call message
flashes = false, -- No flashing icon
image = image or nil, -- Screenshot URL for dispatch
blip = {
sprite = 488, -- Blip icon
scale = 1.5, -- Blip size
colour = 1, -- Blip color
flashes = true, -- Blip flashes
text = 'High Speed', -- Blip label
time = (20 * 1000), -- Blip duration in milliseconds
Client Command for Dispatch
Add the following code to your client.lua file. Running the /testclient command in-game will send a dispatch alert to the configured jobs (police, sheriff, traffic, patrol) with the player's details who executed the command.