Virtual Billing Payment

The Virtual Billing Payment system allows for invoice payments via virtual bank transfer. This system provides a convenient way for players to pay invoices while incorporating a configurable tax percentage for electronic transactions, enhancing the realism of the system.


Electronic Transfers

Invoices can be paid through a virtual transfer system directly linked to the society bank account.


Configurable Transaction Fee

A percentage-based tax is applied to the invoice amount for electronic payments.


Custom Prefix for Societies

Societies can be identified using a configurable prefix, simplifying integration with other systems.

Configuration Example

Below is an example of how to configure the virtual billing payment system in your config.lua file:

Config.SocietyPrefix = 'society_' -- Prefix used for society accounts
Config.PercentageOfElectronicTransaction = 3 -- Percentage of the invoice amount as a tax for electronic transactions

How It Works


Invoice Payment

  • Players can pay invoices electronically.

  • A 3% tax (or your configured percentage) is added to the total invoice amount.


Society Prefix

  • The system uses Config.SocietyPrefix to identify the bank accounts for each society.

  • For example, a payment to the "police" society would reference society_police.


Configurable Tax

  • Adjust Config.PercentageOfElectronicTransaction to change the tax percentage.

  • Example:

    • Invoice Amount: $1,000

    • Tax: 3%

    • Total Payment: $1,030

Last updated