Ambulance alerts

This system is not exclusive to ESX, but we provide an example using it since QBcore includes its own integrated system, making this modification unnecessary.

The example uses esx_ambulancejob; if you use another asset, you’ll need to adapt it. Quasar Smartphone includes a convenient messaging system for workers, like in this example where a dispatch is triggered when a player dies, notifying the ambulance with their location.


Locate the File

First, navigate to esx_ambulancejob/client/main.lua and find the function SendDistressSignal().


Replace the Function

Once located, replace it with the event provided below. If you use QBcore, this step is unnecessary.

Ambulance Dispatch using Messages app

This snippet will be for esx_ambulancejob but you can integrate it wherever you want since it is standalone, in this example we will edit esx_ambulancejob/client/main.lua and replace the following function.

function SendDistressSignal()
  local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
  local street = GetStreetNameAtCoord(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
  local streetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(street)
  local message = json.encode(coords)
  TriggerServerEvent('phone:sendSOSMessage', 'ambulance', message, 'location')
  message = ([[
      I need help! I'm at %s. Please fast come here!
  TriggerServerEvent('phone:sendSOSMessage', 'ambulance', message, 'message')

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