How to plant weed

To grow drugs, you can use specific seed items within your own house. If the house does not belong to you, or you are outside a house, planting will not be possible. Police can also burn plants grown by other players, adding an element of risk.


Planting the plant

We must first use the item inside our house, the seed items are below.


Strengthening and caring

Every so often we must water our plant with weed_nutrition, otherwise it will die.


Harvesting seeds

Once the plant reaches its maximum size, it will give us the option to harvest it, we will need many empty_weed_bag.


Burning plants (only polices)

If a police officer enters your house, he could burn the plants, be careful.

Plantable seeds items

These are the seeds as an object that we can plant:

  • weed_white-widow_seed

  • weed_skunk_seed

  • weed_purple-haze_seed

  • weed_og-kush_seed

  • weed_amnesia_seed

  • weed_ak47_seed

Once the plants reach their maximum size, they will require the item empty_weed_bag to harvest. To ensure proper growth, you must periodically use weed_nutrition to care for the plants.

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